Mazlum primarily assists Danish and international clients in business transfers, particularly in relation to due diligence investigations, negotiations, and the preparation of asset/share purchase agreements. Further, Mazlum has experience with advising Danish companies in the listing process of an initial public offering on Nasdaq First North Growth Market and other corporate law matters, including setting up companies, negotiating shareholder agreements, carrying through general meetings and implementing incentive programs.
Tidligere beskæftigelse
- Gorrissen Federspiel
- Moalem Weitemeyer
- Københavns Universitet, Cand.Jur. 2017
- Erasmusophold på The University of Sheffield, England 2015
- Dansk Forening for Selskabsret
Udvalgte sager og repræsentation
- Repræsenterede A/S i forbindelse med børsnotering på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark
- Repræsenterede Q-Interline A/S i forbindelse med børsnotering på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark
- Repræsenterede Synklino A/S i forbindelse med en større investeringsrunde med en række investorer, herunder Vækstfonden, BioInnovation Institute og Eir Ventures